Monday, December 15, 2008

happy monday

today was a nice day.  almost like a day off, really, since I only taught from 7:30 to 9am... then I got to workout, then go to the dentist which believe it or not was fun because I haven't gone in so long and now I don't have to live in fear that all my teeth are going to fall out of my head.  Then I had a nice lunch, went and bought maternity jeans which cost too much but look hot which matters WAY WAY more right about now, then had time to do a Dharma Yoga level 2 practice before I picked up Ava at school.  Overall it just felt relaxing and like I had a lot of time for myself, i guess becuase i finished work so early and got my workout in so early too. I think that is the way... because as the day goes on i get more and more tired and lazy and i tend to be less motivated.  But it is essential because I feel 100 times better and due to my whole dismorphia issue I also look like an entirely different person, to my own crazy self anyhow.

So yeah, to keep track, I did a 60 minute cardio workout on threadmill... walk/incline/walk/run intervals for 60 minutes then a five minute cooldown walk.  Then I stretched and did Pincha Mayurasana to see that I still can and YES, WE CAN.  Then DMY level II later in the day, all the way through except dhanurasana and shalabasana obviously.  Feel good.

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