Tuesday, August 26, 2008

woohoo thirtyTWO!

yes indeed.  twas my birthday last thursday... I had a nice day.  taught in the morning, wandered and window shopped in the afternoon while Matt prepped for my party... went to a yoga class while matt and Ava made cupcakes... came home and had a vegetarian pizza party with nice friends.  

Sadly, 2 glasses of wine had me rocked and sick as a dog the next day.  or maybe it was the cheese.  either way, my new clean vegan lifestyle seems to demand total adherence or else I feel yucky.  I wonder if this means I am more sensitive now or that I felt yucky all the time before and didn't notice??

Have been pretty consistent about practicing.  It has been two weeks since my training wrapped up and I think both weeks I have missed one or two days.  Last week it was because I was super sick friday with a sinus cold and acheese/wine  hangover.  But mostly have been doing asana every day and pranayama/meditation every few days.  Probably would be better to be doing pranayama & meditation more, even if it meant skipping asana.  I am missing the lightness that I felt, so today I am eating only raw food and practicing asana, pranayama and meditation.  In a few minutes...

I woke up a half hour early this morning though, and did my neti pot.  Then some khapalabati, and was just starting to do some nadi shodhana pranayama when Ava came out, so instead I sat with her on my lap and wrapped my shawl around us both and sat quietly for a few minutes.  Wouldn't necessarily call it meditation, but it was nice and it was a start.  Seems like the best way to introduce her is just by welcoming her into my practice...

Ava recieved her very own Yoga mat in the mail yesterday from her so super loving and considerate Auntie Michelle.  She is super stoked.  I put the DVD and the poster away until her birthday, but she was already using her mat yesterday.  Thanks Gurley !!

ok, back soon...

1 comment:

Unknown said...


"I wonder if this means I am more sensitive now or that I felt yucky all the time before and didn't notice??"

I wonder this too, and I think it's definitely both... But anything over 1 of something and I'm all outta sorts.

Glad Ava got her mat!
