Wednesday, November 26, 2008

waiting for pie dough


sitting up waiting for pie crust to "rest" before i can bake the pie, so i thought i would drop in.  the pie is all ready, just chillin in the fridge for what they say should be an hour, but methinks will be better as a half hour since it is now 10:17 and we are only 17 minutes into our pie naptime.  considering it needs an additional 45 to 55 minutes to bake.

today i had another meeting with lovely Sue Baelen, my midwife extraordinaire.  it's so cool that she comes over to my house, and we talk and visit and do all the prenatal stuff for an hour and a half.  she checked my blood pressure as usual, and it was stellar (108/58) and felt my belly.  the fundus is now about midway between my pubic bone and navel.  then we listened to the heartbeat with a doppler, which was nice and reassuring even though i hadn't been worried.  it was fun for Ava too.

Sue brought me a book for Ava about a little boy whose mom has a homebirth, told from his perspective with beautiful watercolor illustrations.  Ava has already had me read it 4 times this evening.  She told me the other day that she wants to be there for the birth, which i feel like would be nice.  I think I will know better when we get closer to that time.  Perhaps i can find a way for her to be somewhere else while i labor, and arrive for the birth.  Perhaps she'll be in school, anyhow.  Luckily it is right across the street and someone could fetch her for the birth.

we went out for vietnamese food tonight, as Matt had cooked all the food for tomorrow today and we wanted to eat something really, really different than we'll eat tomorrow.  it was great.  Beef Pho.  mmm.  spring rolls, the cold kind with mint and lettuce and noodles inside.  mmm.  Ava was super psyched about the Pho.  She was eating mine all up.

ok.  pie naptime OVER.  mama bear is tired.

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