Sunday, November 23, 2008

round TWO

well, today i am officially 14 weeks pregnant which means hello second trimester.  woohoo!  nice to now be able to have all the nervous nellies stop sweating me about having talked about my pregnancy since day one.  although of course, one of my clients DID have to point out yesterday that one of her friends just miscarried at 16 weeks and nearly died... terrible drama of hemmoraging in bed at night, fainting and bing rushed in for a transfusion and a d&c.


feeling great though, here.  all's well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hooray for second trimester!! And booooooo for thoughtless and insensitive people who do not know how to shut the fuck up. That's a doozy, though, and might take the cake for most fucked up thing I've about ever heard.

can I call you today?