Friday, September 19, 2008


So yesterday i saw 5 clients in the 6.5 hours Ava was in school, so I didn't have time to practice or workout or anything.  Actually, I had no time for lunch either.  But Ava and I had a snack of avocados with salt, soymilk, and bananas with peanut butter when we came home.  And i did the mountain of dishes.  But i guess that since I renounced the fruit of my actions (dishwashing) and did it simply because it had to be done, it was, in fact YOGA.

Ava and I practiced together from her new yoga poster from Auntie Michelle and the girls before bedtime.  Ava said "that's not cat and dog, mama, it's cat and COW".  color me proud!  But we loved it and had a fun time together.  She really digs her mat, especially the having her very own mat part.

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