Tuesday, September 23, 2008

funny how time works...

here is bunny in her dance digs last friday before her very first class... doesn't she look just like Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face when she does the spontaneous dance in the beatnik club?  wicked cute.

today my dad called and asked me to cosign a car loan for him.  i guess his car died, poor guy, head gaskets blown.  that car was all paid up, but he filed chapter 11 five years ago so now he can't secure a loan on his own.  so he called me.

isn't it funny how given enough time, all things will eventually come full circle?  here i am, being a financial steady hand for my father... of course we said yes, no problem.  i think it was hard for him to ask me, not only because i am after all his youngest child, but mostly because he has a history of having so much trouble keeping money stuff sorted out.  but honestly i know that he is very solvent now that he isn't struggling to maintain a practice and mortgage and all that, so i have faith in him and it will be nice for him to have something simple he can prove faithful on to himself... you know?  maybe a bit of a selfesteem builder for him to show that he can make good on a favor from me.

the funny thing is, i asked him what the payments will be so i could help him sort out if it is a practical loan for him given the fact that he could possibly be unable to work sometime in the next several years (he is, after all, 73 years old) and then would be living exclusively on his social security.  i just wanted to be sure that if it came down to me needing to take over the payments that I would be able to swing them.  hehe.  yeah.  the payments will $160 a month.  ONE SIXTY a month.  remind me, next time i am buying a car, to do it in new hampshire...

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