Thursday, July 10, 2008


just went to pick bunny up at school.  was in lovely, meditative state after watching dharma mittra spiritual discourse and practicing for an hour or so.  i got to school and initially she was so happy and excited because it was her friend laraiaes' birthday and they had cupcakes.  by the time i signed her out and got her outside she had started to meltdown and became hysterical.  so we sat in the school yard for 15 minutes while she screamed and cried.  finally i picked her up and started to carry her home.  she punched me in the eye.  it hurt a lot.  she screamed all the way home.  i carried her upstairs and put her in her room, to much protestation.    now, after 15 minutes or so she seems to be slowing down the tantrum enough to say her tummy hurts.

fucking cupcakes man.


why do you feed my kid crack and then send them home for me to deal with it?  poor thing.


Unknown said...

Ugh! I hate it when that happens. Abbey's school just outlawed junk food birthdays this year. Unfortunately Ella's has not...

I hope your eye feels better

Unknown said...

still checking in...