Wednesday, February 4, 2009

24 weeks

138 pounds.... thats 15 pounds total.  Still dancing but it is harder.  Las week I felt like shit in class but I figured out that A) i was overtraining by doing cardio on the days I was not dancing.  being pregnant seems to definitely reduce athletic recovery, especially since I cannot eat many carbohydrates.  I was so fatigued, I literally think I had NO ATP in my muscles at all. and B) i was not eating enough before class, so now I have been having a bigger breakfast early and then having a big snack in the hour before class.  magic!  no dizzy, woozy, wimpy dancing.

so we learn and on we go.  ever the scientist, it seems, testing and retesting the progress and changes that come with this wacky experience called pregnancy.  i am back on a week of 4x a day glucose tesing, since this is the week they normally scan people.  figured i would check in and see if my diet is still where it needs to be.  I am finding that so far, all is well.  I am drinking a full quart of infusion now a day both to help avoid varicosities (the oatstraw does that) and help regulate the glucose metabolism (the dandelion leaf and nettle do that, so sayeth 'herbal wisdom for the childbearing year').  Speaking of... should have some now!

Mellecio from the Joe Goode Performance Group came to class yesterday.  We danced together and we kicked ass.  I think maybe I'll pursue Joe Goode again a little bit after I have the bebe.  I am a much better dancer now than three years ago last time I took his workshop.  Maybe I will see about going to class there sometimes next fall, and doing their winter workshop.

la la la... supposed to rain tomorrow which is good.  we are seriously, dramatically, no fucking joke in a major drought.  3 years in and we are having a 70 degree and sunshine January.  they say that even if it rains nonstop through the end of march we won't restore appreciable levels to normal.  which means terrible wildfires, more tree loss in the sierras, higher food prices and agricultural shortages and most likely water rationing.  yeeks!
